Twerking on webcam - A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

Webcam twerking on A 9

A 9

The over 600 videos collectively have over 26 million views.

  • But that battle may be lost already.

  • But quite a few have.

A 9

Many of the videos that remain up have been discovered by predatory audiences.

  • Gaunt says 35% of the videos she collected have been stolen and re-posted by men who are monetizing the content or using it to build their own YouTube following.

  • Only a small percentage of the videos actually have ads.