Portals of phaeron - [Unity][Free] Portals of Phereon

Of phaeron portals Portals of

Of phaeron portals [Unity] Portals

Of phaeron portals Portals of

Of phaeron portals Portals of

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Of phaeron portals Walkthrough

[Unity] Portals of Phereon [0.17.0] [Syvaron]

Of phaeron portals Portals of

Of phaeron portals [Unity] Portals

All things Trashy!

Of phaeron portals Portals of

Portals of Phereon

Of phaeron portals [Unity] Portals


I kinda like the idea of breeding traits for specific things in multiple different branches rather than just having characters that have everything, so I probably wont remove the limit completely.

  • If your team has been damaged or is low on mana, set up a camp for a while and set your wounded characters to 'Rest' and your mana drained characters to 'Meditate'.

  • The game is riddled with bugs from ones that can be overlooked there are really glaring and fatal ones as well that I would suggest that should be a priority for your next build.

2021 www.notaria231.com.mx