Nels the naughty - Oblivion:Whodunit?

The naughty nels The Elder


The naughty nels The Elder

The naughty nels Nauti Nell's


The naughty nels Oblivion:Matilde Petit

The naughty nels Nauti Nell's

The Legion's finest : oblivion

The naughty nels The Legion's

The naughty nels The Elder

The naughty nels Nels the

The naughty nels Nauti Nell's

Whodunit? (Oblivion)

The naughty nels The Stormcloak

Nauti Nell's Home Page

Seeing her body lying there.

  • Neville was probably the most capable fighter among us, yet he was cut down silently, just a few rooms away.

  • The jerkass shopkeeper M'raaj-Dar chooses now of all times to start being nice to you where he decides that the two of you got off to a bad start and wants to try and be friends! I thought he was hunting the killer.

Nels the Naughty

I've seen his kind before.

  • A list of is also available.

  • I wonder how much gold is actually in the chest? Do you have something to do with this? I'd wish you good luck, but I wouldn't really mean it.