Young ripe mellons 4 - Momordica charantia

4 mellons young ripe アリシア・アリガッティ

Τζοάννα Έιντζελ

4 mellons young ripe アリシア・アリガッティ

4 mellons young ripe アリシア・アリガッティ

4 mellons young ripe Джоанна Ейнджел

4 mellons young ripe Joanna Angel

4 mellons young ripe Τζοάννα Έιντζελ

Έιμι Ράιντ

4 mellons young ripe Έιμι Ράιντ

4 mellons young ripe Ейми Рийд

Τζοάννα Έιντζελ

4 mellons young ripe Momordica charantia

Έιμι Ράιντ

4 mellons young ripe Έιμι Ράιντ

Joanna Angel

In , bitter melon, known as pare in and also paria , is prepared in various dishes, such as , and also stir-fried, cooked in coconut milk, or steamed.

  • Εργάστηκε ως φωτομοντέλο στα περιοδικά « High Society», « Club» και « Cheri».

  • In Sri Lanka, it is known as : කරවිල karavila and is an ingredient in many different curry dishes e.

Ейми Рийд

Between these two extremes are any number of intermediate forms.

  • In , bitter melon , : kǔguā; : khó͘-koe is valued for its bitter flavour, typically in often with pork and , soups, dim sum, and.

  • In , it is often served with yogurt on the side to offset the bitterness, used in such as sabzi or stuffed with spices and then cooked in oil.