Trailer park boys filmography - John Dunsworth

Filmography trailer park boys Trailer Park

Filmography trailer park boys Trailer Park

Filmography trailer park boys The Untold

Filmography trailer park boys The Untold

Trailer Park Boys filming locations

Filmography trailer park boys Trailer Park

Filmography trailer park boys Trailer Park

John Dunsworth

Filmography trailer park boys The Untold

Filmography trailer park boys Trailer Park

John Dunsworth

Filmography trailer park boys Trailer Park

Trailer Park Boys: The Movie

Filmography trailer park boys Trailer Park

Trailer Park Boys: The Movie

Fortunately, Showcase was a struggling young channel in need of content and played the episodes on repeat until they picked up a cult following.

  • Thanks also for the link to the mural, it will be helpful in finding it.

  • To make matters worse, the producers repeatedly lied to him and the other actors about other actors' pay, refused to hire a proper film crew, and provided unsanitary bathrooms and trailers.