Tami adrian george - Eric Bruskotter and Tami

George tami adrian Starship Troopers

Eric Bruskotter

George tami adrian Eric Bruskotter

George tami adrian Eric Bruskotter

George tami adrian Facts about

Tami Adrian George

George tami adrian Eric Bruskotter

George tami adrian Facts about

Tami Adrian George

George tami adrian Tami Adrian

George tami adrian Facts about

George tami adrian Facts about

George tami adrian Facts about

Who is Tami

Eric Bruskotter and Tami

All that matters is he can kill bugs good.

  • She is married to Eric Bruskotter, whom she met filming Starship Troopers.

  • His identical twin brother, Karl Bruskotter who sported a slightly different hairstyle so viewers could tell the two apart also had a guest appearance on the series as Scott Baker's twin brother with a knack for causing mischief, Private Karl Baker.

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